Top Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips Every Woman Should Know

Ways You Can Treat Yourself After an Exhausting Week

A woman’s face may look young, but when you look at her hands, you can tell her age. To own young and supple skin, one of the first things to do is to make sure that you do a thorough fine skin analysis to get the full profile of the skin. Skin analysis gives you an idea of the kind of beauty products to invest in for the most effective results and the best facial treatments that are suited for you.

Every woman struggles to keep her skin looking young throughout her lifetime. To have a blend of youth in your skin, we will share a few tricks that will help your skin start glowing and looking young as you advance in age.

Know your skin type
Most women are not aware of their skin type; most get to know for the first time when confronted by a reaction to certain skin care products. When the reaction occurs, you realize the need to invest in a comprehensive fine skin analysis to know your skin profile and type.  Knowing the skin type means using the right products for you and adding more life to your skin cells.

Stay hydrated
Hydration means you consume water frequently, whether or not you feel thirsty, without substituting water with any other fluid. Your skin needs water to maintain the suppleness of young skin. Bear in mind the temperature of water you are using when taking a shower as well. When it is too hot, it will suck out moisture from the skin, leaving you with dry skin which is prone to wrinkles.

Use skin toner
After removing all the dirt and oil from your face with facial oils or cleansers, apply toners to help maintain the skin pH balance at all times. A balanced pH is ideal if you are also using anti-ageing skin care products. Fine skin analysis can also give the result of your skin pH levels.

Get natural vitamin D
Get yourself outdoors and enjoy the sun. Make it a habit to enjoy the early morning sun. When faced with a hot summer day, make use of protective sunscreen to keep the damaging UV rays from the skin. Failure to protect your skin will result in premature ageing.

Remove spots
The spots on your skin that come with age make you look older than you are. The results from the fine skin analysis will help you get the recommended skin brightener that will assist in removing these spots. Please note that spot removal depends on your skin type and discolouration. It is, therefore, crucial to seek advice from your dermatologist before using skin brighteners.

By now, I am sure you know the importance of exfoliation, which is to stimulate cell growth and replacement. You need to talk to your beautician to know the type of product to use. This process involves getting rid of all the dead cells and allowing new ones to replace them.

Keep your beauty products clean
All your brushes and beauty apparatus should be clean at all times. Cleaning removes any clogged dirt and used oils that may contaminate your skin care products or your skin.

Cut down your alcohol consumption
Taking alcohol goes against any efforts you may be making to achieve a great looking skin. The situation gets worse as you age. Alcoholic drinks will only leave your skin dehydrated and dull.

The debate on when to start your anti-ageing treatment is still ongoing. The best answer will be found in the results of a fine skin analysis and a final word from your dermatologist. It is also important to note that skin ageing manifests itself differently to different people because of various lifestyles and products that one uses. Hence, what may work for your family or friends may not work for you.

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